Constipation In Toddlers: Remedies For Children Constipations

Constipation is simply a dry hard stool which is difficult to pass and therefore usually painful. Irregular bowel movements are often found in toddlers and children and so constipation is a common problem in children of all ages. A toddler with constipation may have bowel movements less frequently than normal, hard bowel movements, or large, difficult, and painful bowel movements. One of the main causes of constipation is the lack of an adequate intake of fiber. Another common cause is low water consumption or visiting the bathroom after a long time. There are various ways in which toddler constipation can be treated. One significant way is to change the toddler’s diet. To change what a child eats and drinks is not very easy as children can be quite fussy so make sure that any dietary changes suit the toddler’s tastes. The goal is to ensure at least one bowel movement everyday.

Increased intake of fluid: The toddler’s fluid intake has to be increased and so drinking plenty of fruit juices, water, and milk is recommended. Apple juice among other juices contains not only fiber but also a high water content and this then helps relieve constipation. It is recommended that the toddler drink warm water in the morning as this will help to promote bowel movements. Increased water intake helps prevent dehydration as well. The color of the toddler’s urine is very helpful in determining if he/she is drinking enough water. If the urine is dark yellow in color it indicates that the child is dehydrated. Yellow urine suggests that the toddler’s fluid intake is less than it should be, while pale yellow or almost clear urine signifies that the child is drinking an adequate amount of water.

Natural Remedies For Constipation
Increased intake of Fiber: High fiber diets are good for relieving constipation as they help in softening stools thus making them easier to pass and thereby assisting colonic movements. Fruits and vegetables are considered to be very rich in fiber. Whole grains and bran are also rich in fiber. Examples of whole grain rich food are whole grain bread, wheat crackers, oatmeal, whole grain cereal flakes and brown rice. Fruits are considered to be a delicious and excellent source of fiber. Fruits like apples, grapes, pears and apricots should be included in the toddler’s daily diet. Bananas are to be avoided as they tend to clog up the system. Vegetables like spinach, green peas, tomatoes, raw carrots, green beans, and baked beans are other good sources of fiber. Vegetable soup is a good choice to treat constipation and also a good source of fluid. Popcorn is another source of fiber. An important thing to remember is to introduce fiber rich foods slowly. A sudden spike in the toddler’s fiber intake can cause bloating and gas which then leads to discomfort.

Increased activity in toddlers: Exercise is essential as it not only helps to prevent but also helps reduce constipation. Walking, running, and playing are all effective ways of getting exercise. One should avoid giving a child large amounts of certain foods like cow’s milk, cheese, cooked carrots, and bananas as these may cause bloating and constipation. Drinking too much milk is a common cause of constipation. Breast milk is preferred for babies as it is easily digestible. Massage your toddler’s belly; a stomach massage can greatly help in improving digestion.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that giving your toddler as much green foods as possible can and will help with constipation. I've given my toddler an ultimate green juice that consisted of nothing but fruits and veggies for about a week because he was dealing with constipation. It's extremely important that you make sure your child avoids dehydration as well. Giving them a lot of water is important when trying to ward off constipation. Bananas should be avoided because they will definitely make constipation worse. And it's important to give fiber but not too much, because too much fiber can also cause constipation. I read on naturalhealingproject that black strap molasses is a great way to help constipation as well.
