How to get rid of bad breath or Halitosis

Do you know that foul and bad breath can distance you from your near and dear ones as nobody likes to get into contact with a person with bad breath? Bad breath problem if not treated timely can make you embarrass in many events and can turn down your confidence and self-esteem in big way. So it is important to get rid of bad breath as quickly as possible with fresh breathe to attract more and more number of people in your life.

Bad breath mouth halitosisTips to get rid of Bad breath:

* Halitosis is a medical name given to bad breath condition which occurs due gum diseases, bad dental hygiene, throat infection, tooth decay and also due to growth of bacteria in one’s mouth.
* Even food items like onion, garlic, soda and cheese too contribute to bad breathe, so make sure you limit their intake in your diet.
* Remember that the major reason behind bad breathe is poor oral hygiene. So first and foremost thing you should do to get rid of bad breathe is brush your teeth twice a day. Indulge into flossing once in a day.
* To get rid of bacteria which causes bad breathe, brushing and cleaning of tongue should be done on regular basis. Also washing tongue with solution of baking soda dissolved in warm water helps in killing the growth of bacteria.
* You all will be happy to read that herbs like parsley, rosemary, cardamom seeds and coriander acts as natural mouth fresheners and thus helps in treating bad breathe problem.
* Rinsing mouth with solution of warm water mixed with few drops of lemon also helps in getting rid of bad breathe.
* Don’t forget to drink plenty water as it does not allow your mouth to get drier which causes bad breathe. Also you can make use of mouthwashes which contains zinc gluconate, chlorine dioxide and cholerhexidine to get rid of bad breathe.

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