Vitamins for Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth are an asset. A perfect smile makes the day. Those who have the so called “perfect smile” win over many friends. One brushes one’s teeth daily and naturally, dental hygiene plays an important role in our lives. Apart from making sure one has the right kind of toothpaste and the right kind of toothbrush one also must ensure that one takes proper diet for healthy teeth. The intake of vitamins also play an important role in ensuring that one’s teeth are in proper condition. Lot of foods contains vitamins for healthy teeth and we are going to discuss some of them here.

Both regulation of diet as well as proper intake of vitamins are essential for healthy teeth. Like any part of the body one must also keep one’s teeth in proper condition. Healthy teeth also keep the body in good shape. One can also chew one’s food properly.

Vitamins for Healthy Teeth

* Vitamin C, flavanoids as well as coenzyme Q10 are very powerful antioxidants which actually protect the gums against cell healing as well as gum disease. Vitamin C is also good for the production of collagen. Vitamin C also in helps in promoting very healthy capillaries.
* Vitamin D is good for bones. Milk contains a lot of vitamin D as well as sunshine. Children are encouraged to drink milk as it is good for strong teeth and also play in the sunshine.
* Calcium is also good.
* One must take B 12 vitamins.

What kind of diet one must take for healthy teeth?

* One must not take chips as they remain in one’s mouth.
* Sticky foods such as caramel. Chocolates, raisin etc. should not be taken.
* Foods high in carbohydrates as well as fats must be avoided.
* One must take more of buttermilk as well as homemade squashes.
* Aerated drinks are not good.
* Doughnuts, sweet rolls, processed cereals also result in tooth decay.

One must ensure that their teeth are proper condition. Eating the right kind of foods and also taking vitamins which promote healthy teeth are essential.

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